Friday, December 12, 2008

Is Santa Secret

Our family draws names and we exchange Secret Santa gifts. By the time we figure out who's in and who's not in the draw and pull out names, and finagle the names so that no one is buying a secret santa gift for his or her spouse, we can almost guess who has whose name.
There just aren't that many combinations that can work.
I think it's funny.

It is getting better now that we have the older kids in the draw. It makes it harder to guess.
It's still fun to "reveal" the names and gifts on Christmas afternoon. It's complete mayhem and then we all take a nap.

I'm looking forward to it. Now I just have to finish

I wish these two guys were still around.


  1. oh well i was mature enough for one year to make it into secret santa , and then i'm out again this year hahaha . someday i'll be an "older kid " again , maybe by when I retire hahaha

  2. Me too and I wish their heads were as big as that so they could spit on congress and drowned them all.

  3. t you follow my blog ?
