Wednesday, November 26, 2008


1. I am up early today. My husband is now wearing a C-PAP to help regulate his sleep apnea. Last night was his first night wearing it. So I can sleep better than ever. Except it makes a noise like a room humidifier. It's not bad, and much better than the alternative -- listening to him stop breathing and counting the seconds until it gets to 25 and then nudging him back to breathing again. That'll keep a person awake!

2. I am the proud owner of the new Blackberry Storm. I stopped in last Friday to exchange my phone and old blackberry since they were both at the end of their contract. I knew the Storm was coming out that day. I didn't expect to be #85 in line for the 105 units that the store received.
Long story short, I was one of "those" people who waited in the line (at least they served coffee and donuts and kept us warm despite the snow). So many people showed up nationwide to buy the darn things that the whole Verizon system crashed and they couldn't process any sales or set up any units after the first 20 or so. So after waiting 3+ hours I headed off to some meetings and returned later that day, and was one of the few who left that night with the new unit up and running.

It's great. Taking some getting used to, but pretty awesome. I'm glad I stuck with Verizon and didn't jump ship to get an iPhone. This is way better. And Verizon does have better service. At least where I travel.

P.S. Thanksgiving planning is coming together. More on this tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Denise I am sorry Kevin and you have to go through that but the fact it is on your blog .
    I love that!
