Thursday, February 5, 2009

You REALLY want to know?

I have been tagged by a beloved colleague, Susan Anthony of Sawmill Marketing, to provide 7 insights about me that most people don't know. Hmmm..... This is just moments after I completed 25 random notes on my FB page, and just seconds after reading this very funny article about the whole phenomenon of online journal notes (,8599,1877187,00.html). In the spirit of adventure, and just in case you actually want to know, here goes:

1. When I was 13 I was in an automobile accident. More precisely, I was hit by an automobile while crossing a street. Okay it was a highway. Nevertheless, it took a long while to recuperate.
From this experience i learned several life lessons at a young age. They are: things are never as bad or as good as you think; don't ever let someone else (or you own mind) put limits on your physical condition; enjoy the challenge of the journey, not just the destination; and, don't take what you have for granted.

2. Favorite Drink: Venti, 1/2 caf, skim, 1 splenda latte. Repeat.

3. I am much better as part of a team than as an individual.

4. I make and keep lists for everything. I have lists in my pockets, purse, stuck on the dashboard of my car, on my desk, etc. And they work. I would be lost without my lists.

5. I wanted to be a Communications Lawyer and rise up to become a member of the FCC. I spoke out against advertising to children while studying communications in college (University of Maryland). Then I went to Seton Hall School of Law and took a "sabbatical" after year 2 to take a job verifying ad claims at a large advertising conglomerate (IPG). Shortly after that I became a loaned lobbyist for the ad biz (AAAA). While there I met all kinds of account and creative types. And then I got hooked on the ad biz and haven't ever looked back. I am so glad I never finished law school. The FCC looks awfully boring now.

6. Right out of college a roommate took a job at the fledgling CNN in Atlanta. She called to say she could get me in on the groundfloor, too. I turned her down because I thought CNN was never going to make it.

7. I was the goalie on my very good high school and so-so college field hockey teams. I've heard every cliche line there is that caring folks say when a goal scores. I'm here to tell you none of them make you feel any better. I still always root for the goalie.

1 comment:

  1. Wow denise that a way to open up.
    I happened to know all those things about you.
    Almost like a Johari Window yet not very revealing about your feelings.
    I would try this but most peopel know already what a dooey I am.
    Good entry Niece.
    Like Butter
