Friday, April 3, 2009

Breaking Bread

I've been making a lot of bread lately. It takes my mind off regular things and focuses it on the task at hand. Making a great loaf of bread is a challenge. It requires great ingredients and a complex process, but it's very simple - just water, flour and salt. I use old recipes just as the french bakers did in the 1500s. the only difference is they used a wood-fired oven.

Lately my favorite loaves are focaccia. I have a starter that I made a few months ago and I keep it nourished and ready to use to start the new loaf.

I've also been making the old world pain levain bread. It's delicious. And a new favorite is Lemon and Dill Sourdough rye bread.

I deliver the warm loaves to my friends around town. At first they were gracious, and thought I was just strange. But over time my bread has gotten really good. Now they call me to see if I'll be baking and put in their requests.


  1. Nice ,
    Thanks for the bread I love mine.
    I actualy tried it at grandmas and it was very good.

  2. I love you and I love your bread.


  3. Kevin is such a woosie!!!!!!!
